Store Products
Sister Hope's Freeze Dried Goodies!
We're excited about this! We were gifted a beautiful freeze dryer - and it was a big answer to a specific prayer request! Sister Hope has a ton of experience with this and we're getting ready to start selling some of her freeze dried products here. Freeze Drying creates some really unique products and items can store for up to 25 years and still be good. It's a great, light weight way to have food prepared for emergencies.
We can also do special requests. Please call Hope at 816-933-6500 to talk about what you need.
It also makes for some great CANDY! All proceeds go to help the ministry. You can order from this page HERE.
We can't possibly keep up with photographing, posting and selling products through the website. It's all just moves TOO fast!
We have about 3200 square feet in the front showroom. There you will find housewares (dishes, silverware, storage, glasses, mugs, etc), collectibles or all kinds, decor items, furniture, jewelry, shoes and boots, kid section (games, toys, furniture), men's/women's/kid's clothing, seasonal items (coats or swim suits), pet section and more.
In the front showroom we also now have discount groceries at about half the price of Walmart or Aldi. Power drinks (Nitro, Prime, Gatorade, Red Bull, C4, Celsius, etc.) are $1 to $1.50 per can. Sodas cans are usually $0.25 to $0.50. We nearly always have other staple canned goods, cereal, flour, coffee, chips, snacks, cookies and much more. On the back wall we have a freezer full of discount meat and a fridge with cheese and Lunchables and other items at discount prices. We also are approved to accept SNAP/EBT benefits.
At the front of the store is our FREE food pantry. Every day we have crews out harvesting grocery stores and restaurants. When we open at noon the three fridges up front are usually stocked full of the catch of the day - pre-made sandwiches, produce, cut fruit, salad bags, milk, eggs, yogurt or whatever else came that day. From four different McDonald's we get bags of eggs, sausage patties, apple pies, biscuits and more. We pick up from one Papa John's and one Pizza Hut as well. On the weekend we pick up pies and cookies and cakes from the Price Chopper in Liberty. There is a table up front where we put canned goods, bread and other non-refrigerated items that can be taken as needed. Folks in the community also drop off produce from their gardens or extra stuff they want to share. All of this is given freely to anyone that has a need.
As you go down the hall behind the showroom, you run into our Free Room. We dedicate about 1/4th of our space up front to this. This large room is filled with books, DVD, CD, VHS, shoes, clothes, dishes, furniture, kid stuff and more that is all FREE. Our general rule is to limit it to 20 items per family per day, but if you're in real need, we're glad to flex on that one. If you're really in need and you can't find it in the Free Room, just ask.
Because behind the Free Room is our "community storehouse" warehouse where we have about 12,000 square feet - stacked to the ceiling - of stuff to meet needs.
We often post items on Facebook Marketplace. And we have a team focused on Ebay for higher value items like collectibles, watches, car parts and other things that we often get. At the front desk we have a wish list where you can sign up if you're looking for something specific and when we get a red refrigerator or a rooster cookie jar or whatever, we'll call you.