About Us
A small group of folks that were a part of The Church of Liberty started Liberty Disaster Relief in 2005 to collect help for Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans. We named it Liberty Disaster Relief, instead of Katrina Relief, because we knew there would be lots of other things coming up. What we quickly learned is that, if your water got shut off or your car can't get you to work or you're living in the woods, you're having a "Liberty Disaster." The Bible says that we're to preach liberty to the captives. And that doesn't just mean people in jail. You can be captive to poverty or hunger or homelessness or an abusive realtionship or drugs. Jesus came to set us FREE, not just take us to heaven.
Doug Perry had been calling for unity and writing a lot on the internet about the need to do something different then just building another pole barn with pointy thing on top. His writings were getting some attention from all over the world and lady in Australia felt God tell her to send $130,000 from the sale of her house. Doug knew that there was no homeless shelter North of the river in Kansas City. He also knew that uptight Liberty, Missouri would never allow such a thing if it went before the City Council or Zoning. So he just rented a house and invited his friends over, then another and another, until there about about six townhouses with 50-60 people staying there.
By 2010, other Christians started coming to help, moving to Liberty from all over. It began to become more of a Christian community. One of the families staying with us was having a marital crisis and the husband took off with the four little kids to teach the wife a lesson. Facing Federal jail time of four to seven years per kid (x4) on "parental kidnapping" charges because he took them across state lines, he started looking for ways to justify his actions and started calling the ministry a "death cult." He called all kinds of media outlets, including Lisa Ling with "Our America" and the "Dr. Phil Show." Both shows did a feature on the ministry - for ratings - both of them hit pieces telling lies and playing scary music to get viewers. We prayed about it REALLY HARD and heard to allow the interviews - and despite their best efforts, we're still here and neither of those shows are still active. In fact, there are people here now with the ministry that wouldn't be here if they hadn't seen us on the "Phil Show" and known that it was a setup. My video about what Dr. Phil did to us is here - "Dr. Phil Raped Me" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CV0yVqj4p4&t=14s and here - "Dr. Phil's big Gotcha moment" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWNRvL1jFH8 . They say that "all press is good press." It's not altogether untrue. Our web traffic went up 10 times normal and donations came in from all over the world.
In 2015 we bought a 67 acre farm with a 20 acre cave under it near Excelsior Springs, Missouri. We wanted to build a village of tiny homes and live on the land and work the farm. But everybody flipped out. The mayor said he would run us out of town. Neighbors hired a lawyer to fight us in the zoning hearing. Lots of people lied through their teeth about us. Some of it still going around nearly 10 years later. But God had a backup plan with this little mobile home park right by the farm that donated some old mobile homes for us to rehab, then we bought some, then other people bought there own. And Jesus settled on this little park and it got to be really sweet. In 2020 God provided for the $240,000 balloon payment on the land and a local brother stepped up out of the blue to help finance it and buy the 27 acre piece in the back that was a separate lot.
In October of 2021 God said it was time for a thrift store and food pantry again, so we started looking for properties that would work. We saw the space, agreed to a lease we couldn't afford on faith - and immediately (2 hours later) got a donation of 900 pallets of paper towels, toilet paper, sanitizer, hand soap, googles, aprons, and more. We gave them a donation tax receipt for $3,000,000. Three years later, we continue to give away and sell these items.
In December of 2024 we signed a new three year lease on the thrift store and added a three year lease on the office space next door to be used as an event center, commercial kitchen, and more. Already in 2025 we were open every night during the record storm and freezing cold for our "All Night Coffee/Hot Chocolate Tasting Parties." We were blessed to be able to serve a number of people that were very grateful to have a warm place to have some hot chocolate. We look forward to seeing the space used for church meetings, but also for community events, affordable space rental, emergency situations and more. If you're interested in renting the space, click on "Event Center" on the tab above.
We look forward to what God has planned for us moving forward. HINT: CitySaver is coming!!