

Dec 12, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: admin

We'll be having a FREE Spiritual Warfare Conference on Saturday, February 22nd.

10am to Noon - How to get your cup FULL!
Noon to 1:30pm - Lunch provided
1:30pm to 3:30pm - How to see God move more.
3:30pm to 4:00pm - Break
4:00pm to 6pm - Demons are real. Generational curses & more.
6:00pm - 7:30pm - Dinner provided.
7:30pm - ?? - Target Practice and Prayer.

Conference will be led by Doug Perry from "Fellowship of the Martyrs" who has written 8 books and published over 2500 videos with over 8 million views. He has over 20 years of experience dealing with the hardest of hard cases - and regular pew sitters. He has an amazing testimony of the miraculous and the reality of the spiritual war that we are all in - whether we ike it (or know it) or not.

Admission is FREE. Please RSVP to fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com so we can plan for food.


Our PayPal is

Our CashApp is

Our mailing address is:
Liberty Disaster Relief
118 N. Conistor, Ste B251
Liberty, MO 64068

Or call (816) 929-4466
for questions or other.


CMS - 2.2.18 - Apex

Good/Bad Neighbors

Have you ever received some value from Angie's List or Yelp or the reviews on Google or Amazon?  Of course. It's important to know about the company you're supporting and how they do business.  Toward that end, we feel that it's important to urge companies to do the right thing - that means looking at all their product streams and finding places where they can donate excess or seconds, recycle leftovers or donate to worthy causes.

All that said, we recognize the dangers of "Cancel Culture" and we're not wanting to hurt people or businesses. But there must be a way to find out who is a good neighbor and support them - and find out whose NOT being a good neighbor and encourage them to try harder.  Understand, we're not expecting them to give a certain percentage or sacrifice exorbitantly. We're just looking for folks who actively looking at their waste streams and where it could be handled more responsibly or go to those in need.

We are happy to offer our services to any business in the Northland to take a look at their process, their piles, their closets and see where their might be resources that could fill tummies or be composted or be recycled or otherwise used instead of dumped into the groundwater or landfill.

So we want to start with this:


BARGAIN ZONE - owner Rita Hagen
1719 W. Jesse James Rd., Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
www.bargainzonestore.com  - (816) 900-1885

Review: Bargain Zone does a lot of charitable work, including supporting CitySaver Thrift with donated food and support for the annual Thanksgiving dinner.


Laura's Pizza Buffet  - owner Laura
1727 W. Jesse James, Rd., Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
www.lauraspizzabuffet.com  - (816) 629-1063

Review: Laura's Pizza Buffet donates leftover pizza, breadsticks, cinnamon rolls and more to CitySaver Thrift's food pantry for years now.


Hy-Vee Grocery Stores
various locations

Review: We have been harvesting leftovers from many departments at various Hy-Vee grocery stores in the Northland for several years.











We sure don't want to put anybody into this category. To land here they would have to had a bunch of chances and still insist on not making efforts to care for the local community.



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