

Dec 12, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: admin

We'll be having a FREE Spiritual Warfare Conference on Saturday, February 22nd.

10am to Noon - How to get your cup FULL!
Noon to 1:30pm - Lunch provided
1:30pm to 3:30pm - How to see God move more.
3:30pm to 4:00pm - Break
4:00pm to 6pm - Demons are real. Generational curses & more.
6:00pm - 7:30pm - Dinner provided.
7:30pm - ?? - Target Practice and Prayer.

Conference will be led by Doug Perry from "Fellowship of the Martyrs" who has written 8 books and published over 2500 videos with over 8 million views. He has over 20 years of experience dealing with the hardest of hard cases - and regular pew sitters. He has an amazing testimony of the miraculous and the reality of the spiritual war that we are all in - whether we ike it (or know it) or not.

Admission is FREE. Please RSVP to fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com so we can plan for food.


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Our mailing address is:
Liberty Disaster Relief
118 N. Conistor, Ste B251
Liberty, MO 64068

Or call (816) 929-4466
for questions or other.


CMS - 2.2.18 - Apex

Doug Perry's Books

You can order Doug's books on Amazon, but you're going to save 20-25% by ordering them here!  Shipping is a flat $6 for the first $30 of books.

And if you're going to order a book, considering adding to your order some of Sister Hope's Freeze Dried Goodies.

apology "Open Letter of Apology to the World"
A real, humble look at the state of "churchianity" and what it might take to change it.
$11.95 on Amazon. Just $8.95 here - addtocart1


red-dragon"The Red Dragon: the horrifying truth about why the 'church' cannot seem to change."
Things are FAR, FAR worse then anyone realizes. God said that He would put you under a strong delusion if you go your own way - and pretty much ALL of "churchianity" has done that. Weep and mourn - that's our ONLY hope.
$9.95 on Amazon. Just $7.95 here - addtocart1


dialogues"Dialogues with God"
The first half of the book is just some transcripts of conversations with God. For real. He still does that. The back half of the book talks about the "Cup Model" and how to get a spiritual tuneup so that you can hear Him better.
$9.95 on Amazon. Just $7.95 here - addtocart1


neutered"Who NEUTERED the Holy Spirit?!"
The Gospel always spreads best with two things: Miracles and Martyrs.  So who is served best by convincing people that God doesn't do miracles anymore?! The book goes all through the Bible showing where the Holy Spirit first shows up (Genesis 1:2), in the Old Testament, before Jesus, during Jesus' life, in the early church, in church history since - and how the Spirit moves today. It's all real and available.
$9.95 on Amazon. Just $7.95 here - addtocart1



dad-filter"The Dad Filter"
One of the biggest problems we run into, whether in healing or deliverance or just helping people walk in the fullness of their inheritance, is that they can't overcome what they learned about dads as a kid. Maybe he was unavailable or in jail or dead or always mad at you. Maybe he molested you for years. Then when you pray, "Our Father who art in heaven..." it's all messed up. This book goes through ten case studies giving examples of how people can put God in a box - and prayers to pray to release Him to be Dad to you in whatever way HE wants. It's been really transformation for LOTS of people.
$10.99 on Amazon. Just $8.95 here - addtocart1



rain"Rain Right NOW, Lord!"
The Lord showed us what it's going to take to bring revival. Really. Could happen now. People just got to LISTEN!
$14.99 on Amazon. Just $11.50 here - addtocart1



diy"Do It Yourself City Church Restoration"
This lays out the scriptural justification for why NOTHING that we're doing looks right. The only Biblical model for "church" is the city church. Church of Ephesus, Church Smyrna, Church of Laodecia. One boy per city under Christ, with local elders, walking in the power of God. This is what it's going to take to get a Lampstand back.
$14.99 on Amazon, Just $11.50 here - addtocart1



demons"DEMONS?! You're kidding, right?"
A real deep dive into the reality of spiritual warfare, where they hide, how to deal with them and more. A report from this front line recon after 20 years of experience. Includes "The Red Dragon" book and the "Jezebel" book.
$16.99 on Amazon. Just $12.75 here - addtocart1



anthology"Fellowship Of The Martyrs Anthology, Volume 1"  - BEST  DEAL!!
Five books in one: Apology, Red Dragon, Rain Right NOW, Lord, Dialogues with God.  This really saves you money over buying all five separately.
$27.99 on Amazon. Just $20.95 here - addtocart1
